Balboa Park Sunday

15 Jan

One of the best things about living in San Diego is Balboa Park, the nation’s largest urban park.  This past Sunday I went there to see the Natural History Museum’s exhibition ‘The Horse.”  Since I’ve been horse-mad since I was about 8, I was looking forward to this.  Plus one of my favorite photographers Robert Vavra was part of the exhibition, so I was pretty eager.  It was a nice exhibit, but I think it was a little small.  But there were some really fun highlights that I’ll share.

IMG_0881 Here’s how you come into the exhibit, which oddly enough was in the bowels of the building in the basement.

IMG_0882 This amazing driftwood sculpture really conveyed the essence of one of the most beautiful animals on the planet.  I will never cease to be amazed that an artist can take disparate pieces of driftwood and create such a realistic portrayal of an animal.  This is by artist Deborah Butterfield and is based on her beloved horse Isabelle. Hover over her name and you can see a great video of her creating these wonderful pieces.

IMG_0934I learned that one of my favorite things to do, ride the carousel, has its beginnings in warfare of all things! Carousel comes from Spanish and the Italian garosello, which means “Little War”.  Apparently players rode suspended wooden horses and played warfare games — the beginnings of the carousel. Who knew???

IMG_0894Well, I was at the museum, so I had to check out the fossils.  I have to admit I still love the LA Museum of Natural History —- all those huge, dark halls.  It’s enormous.  Here in SD we have Allosaurus Fragilis.  He’s not very big but I wouldn’t want him chasing after me. I’m just saying….

IMG_0924Then off to the beautiful botanical garden.  This is taken facing away from it.  It was a lovely day in San Diego, January, sunny and cool but only scarf and sweatshirt cold.

IMG_0928I love the architecture in Balboa Park.

IMG_0919There are always the buskers and hustlers selling….I mean offering for donations….all sorts of fun things. This young woman hula hooped and jumped rope on a balance ball.  I cannot do either well, so bless her. Meanwhile her partner played “For the Benefit of Mr. Kite” by the Beatles.  And right next to her was…

IMG_0926Beware you might be going to Hell.  They are always out here.

IMG_0930Hey, it’s a free country.  In the same area you had a bride adjusting her gown for photos while two young girls roller skated by rather wobbily.  They reminded me of me on skates.

IMG_0932No visit to Balboa Park would be complete without a stop to Spanish Village, and in this case one of my all-time favorite glass artists MadArt Studio.  They have the most amazing, beautifully colored hand-blown glass…and it’s at a fraction of normal gallery costs! I know, as I’ve seen them all over the country in my travels! You can buy them directly from the artists for about 50-75% less than any retail store.  Only caveat—-they don’t take American Express. Or Visa or MasterCard for that matter.  They are strictly CASH and checks, if you can believe that in this day and age.  But their art is so affordable.  Those small square vases go for about $45.00. Not bad for original art, and you are supporting a local small business person.  Can it get any better?

I hope you enjoyed Balboa Park Sunday as much as I did.  Until next time, go out and enjoy life on your terms! Look for small details, intimately observed.

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